"So now I'm embroidering a working black hole" In memoriam Ágnes Eszter Szabó

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Andrea Fajgerné Dudás

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How to Cite
Fajgerné Dudás , Andrea. 2024. “‘So Now I’m Embroidering a Working Black hole’: In Memoriam Ágnes Eszter Szabó”. Interdisciplinary EJournal of Gender Studies 14 (1):1-10. https://americanaejournal.hu/index.php/tntef/article/view/45772.
In memoriam
Author Biography

Andrea Fajgerné Dudás

Fajgerné Dudás, Andrea is one of the young generation of contemporary Hungarian feminist artists. She has given voice to various topics related to women’s life in contemporary Hungary. She is an artist, painter, housewife, a feminist, a performance artist, and a mother of two girls. She defines herself as a female artist who examines the role of women in society through her personal experiences. Her artwork confronts the taboos of corporeality, sexuality and motherhood with embarrassing immediacy. In her DLA dissertation, she focused on feminist art practices that thematise housework and kitchen chores performed by women. As an integral part of her practice, Eat Art performances allow her to formulate experiences and feelings that cannot be expressed in her paintings. E-mail: fajgerne@gmail.com