The Role of High Fibre Vegetables and Fruits in Nutrition

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Ágota Panyor
Flóra Dóra Hipszki


The healthy nutrition and lifestyle is getting more and more important in today’s world. A varying diet, the proper amount and quality of food and daily exercises are all necessary to achieve this, as well to have a balance in our nutrition intake-proteins, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins are all important. Within this topic we can find a lot of information on social platforms, newspapers or in related professional literature. However, in our opinion there is not enough attention paid for the intake of fibres. For our body to operate in the perfect way we need to consume sufficient amount dietary fibre. Within our works I deal with this topic, focusing on the consumption of fibre rich vegetables and fruits in the Hungarian population. In our research, we prepared a questionnaire survey examining fibre consumption habits, with special emphasis on vegetable and fruit consumption and purchasing behaviour.


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How to Cite
Panyor, Ágota, and Flóra Dóra Hipszki. 2022. “The Role of High Fibre Vegetables and Fruits in Nutrition”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 17 (3-4):23-34.
Personalization and health awareness in marketing


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