Testing a General-Purpose Neural Network on Different Databases

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Árpád Benkő-Kiss
Zoltán Fabulya
György Hampel


We tested a feedforward, fully connected neural network with two hidden layers on several databases. The purpose of the test is to determine with what percentage of errors the given system is able to predict the expected values from the input data, and whether it is suitable for predicting practical tasks. The system with a graphical interface developed in the Python script language can be flexibly parameterized, and the size and structure of the network can be changed, so it can be adapted to the examination of databases of different sizes.


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Benkő-Kiss, Árpád, Zoltán Fabulya, and György Hampel. 2022. “Testing a General-Purpose Neural Network on Different Databases”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 17 (3-4):37-46. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2022.3-4.37-46.
Information technology and statistics


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