Growing Kiwi in Hungary Reality or Only a Dream?

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Edina Lendvai
Brigitta Rozsi


The growing of fruit trees and shrubs from abroad is becoming more and more widespread in Hungary. In particular, the kiwifruit is the one that has grown out of almost nothing these days. The plant was experimented with in Hungary already in the 1980s, but due to lack of appropriate information the attempt was unsuccessful. The breakthrough came in 2016 at the plantation in Becsehely, when it was already producing commercial quantities of fruit. The news about this topic got caught our attention. During our research, we conducted interviews with kiwifruit owners to explore the domestic practices of plant cultivation. In addition, we used a questionnaire to learn about kiwifruit consumption. Thanks to our surveys, we were able to get a comprehensive picture of both the production and the customer side. We have known the reasons of the kiwifruit growing, its advantages and the cultivation practices. We got different pictures about the consumers’ habits.


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How to Cite
Lendvai, Edina, and Brigitta Rozsi. 2021. “Growing Kiwi in Hungary: Reality or Only a Dream?”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 16 (1-2):11-18.
Agriculture and food economy