Offstage Whitman in His Final Years: A Review of Brenda Wineapple’s Walt Whitman Speaks

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Kiyotaka Sueyoshi


Walt Whitman Speaks: His Final Thoughts on Life, Writing, Spirituality, and the Promise of America as Told to Horace Traubel
Brenda Wineapple
New York: Library of America, 2019.
130 pages
eISBN 978–1–59853–615–7


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How to Cite
Sueyoshi, Kiyotaka. 2019. “Offstage Whitman in His Final Years: A Review of Brenda Wineapple’s Walt Whitman Speaks”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 15 (1).
Author Biography

Kiyotaka Sueyoshi

Kiyotaka Sueyoshi is PhD Student in the Doctoral School of Literature at the University of Szeged, Hungary. His research interests are the American Renaissance and the American Enlightenment. His future dissertation is concerned with the differences between the textual and contextual readings of Walt Whitman’s texts. He is currently the holder of a Stipendium Hungaricum Doctoral grant (2019-2023). Email: